Groundbait for TENCH AND CRUCIAN CARP JAZU PREMIUM with marzipan
Groundbait for Tench and Crucian carp with marzipan is made from the highest quality vegetables stock with various natural supplements: baked products, nuts, cannabis seeds, sunflowers etc. Delicate proportions of scent effectively and quickly attracts fishes in various water ponds.
Suitable for tench, crusian carp and bream. These fishes cannot resist the sweet marzipan flavor.
Composition: grain and grain products, vegetable protein materials, products of bread and cake (cookies), sugar beet slices, the smell of roasted hemp, nuts, coconut chips, marzipan, the smell of roasted hemp, nuts, coconut chips, marzipan.
The method of preparation: pour the groundbait to the clean dish. Slowly mixing, pour small parts of the water from the pool, where you will be fishing. It is advisable to leave the properly wetted groundbait for half an hour in order all the components sufficiently soaked. Preparing the groundbait is important not to wet it too much: the mass should be soft and sticky in order it slowly spread in one location and attracted fish. The additions of animal origin cut earthworms, flies and larvae of mosquito were mixed in and their cocoons will increase the efficiency of the groundbait. Form the orange size balls just before throwing them to the place of fishing.